Meghan Pilar Whittier Habibzai Master Class

By USM Music Box Office (other events)

Tuesday, February 6 2024 3:00 PM 5:00 PM EDT

Meghan Pilar Whittier Habibzai, is a vocalist, arranger, composer and conductor. She is
a professional musician whose experience spans choral music, art song, opera, musical
theater, jazz, and bluegrass. Recent concert venues include Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center,
and the residence of the Spanish Ambassador in Washington, D.C. She was a member of
the Soldiers’ Chorus of the U.S. Army Field Band from 2007-2019. Having performed in 48
states, Puerto Rico, and Spain, Meghan is a versatile vocalist, choral director, and
arranger, and has had her choral arrangements sung on National tours by the Soldiers'
Chorus, including a reimagining of the "Coventry Carol" at Baltimore's Lyric Theater in
2017. Meghan regularly performs with her husband, flamenco guitarist Behzad Habibzai,
a Portland native. Together they formed a dynamic ensemble featuring Spanish
canciones, flamenco music, and dance, called Sonsonete where they performed in
Baltimore, D.C., and Portland’s St. Lawrence Arts.

Parking at USM is not free. Learn about your options here:, $55 fine.

If you have questions about disability access or need to request disability accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreters, materials in electronic format, etc.), please contact the USM Music Box Office, (207) 780-5555, [email protected], TTY 711 (Maine Relay). Requests should be made as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for the accommodation process.